2022 scholarship application information and criteria

last updated 1.10.2022

The Collin County Aggie Moms Club is committed to offering students available scholarships to assist them financially in meeting their educational goals. Over the last four years, CCAM has awarded an average of 16 annual scholarships. We are committed to assisting students in meeting their educational goals. Every year it takes dozens of volunteers to support this endeavor. Annual club fundraising activities have a direct impact on the number of scholarships we can provide.  In 2021, we were able to provide 14 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to freshmen, transfer, and current A&M students! In addition to our annual awards, we also provide two 4-year endowments through the Texas A&M Foundation and are currently working on funding a third. Our simple eligibility requirements, coupled with our scoring categories of Character, Leadership, Aggie Spirit, Academics, and Volunteerism, help us to determine the best applicants each year.

$1,000 Scholarship Awards

Scholarships will be awarded to freshmen, transfer students and/or returning A&M students.

All undergraduate students may apply based on the eligibility criteria defined below.

The number of available scholarships is determined by the result of our annual fundraising activities.

All applications are reviewed anonymously and awarded competitively by the scholarship committee, based on merit by multiple volunteer readers.

Each application is scored equally across 5 categories: Character, Leadership, Aggie Spirit, Academic, & Volunteerism.


Scholarship funds are paid directly to Texas A&M University, deducted from the fee statement at one-half of the scholarship amount per semester.

This is a one-year, one-time scholarship award.

In 2021, we were able to provide scholarships to 7 incoming Freshmen and 7 current/transfer students.


Collin County affiliation

The student's primary address must be in Collin County OR student graduated from a Collin County high school OR student's parent must be a current member of the Collin County Aggie Moms Club, OR student must be affiliated with a Collin County Aggie Mom. Applicants may not be related to a member of the Texas A&M Board of Regents.

be an aggie

Any Collin County high school senior, Collin County college transfer or current Aggie accepted as a full time student (12+ hours) to Texas A&M University - College Station, Blinn Team, Galveston or Qatar for the upcoming Fall 2022/Spring 2023 semesters. Your Texas A&M University Student ID# is required, also known as your UIN.

Minimum GPA

Minimum overall GPA of 2.5. An unofficial transcript will be required for verification.

One Time Award

This is a one-year, one-time scholarship award. Congratulations if you are a past recipient of one of our CCAM scholarships! You are not eligible to re-apply.

The 2022 Scholarship Application is now closed, and all applications are being reviewed.

The deadline to apply was March 15.

Apply for a scholarship today!

Submission Deadline is
Tuesday, March 15 at 5 p.m.

I've submitted my application and
emailed my transcript/scores, what's next?

The CCAM Scholarship program is administered through the Club and is under the direction of the current President and Texas A&M Scholarship and Financial Aid department. The Collin County Aggie Moms Scholarship Committee consists of a minimum of three club members who meet to provide direction for the Committee..